Day 12 of my mission south [or better said "escaping winter"]. I spend an easy morning at Scott's house and leave around 2PM on the 100km ride towards Smithers.

It's a big premiere. I leave the remote north. From now on I will pass a supermarket more or less everyday, a huge change. I will be able to just buy whatever I fancy on a given day, I don't have to carry so much food any more and most importantly I can add more fresh food to my diet. You won't believe what a difference it makes to just add a fresh onion to a meal or to have an apple everyday. I look forward to it!

Another premiere, I travel from one warmshowers host to another. In Smithers Lothar and Deb will host me and I plan to spend a day hiking there tomorrow. After so many days since I left Whitehorse I look forward to spend some time with people.

I take a nice backroad, the Telkwa High road connecting several cattle farms, to escape the highway a bit and unfortunately take it a bit too easy today. In the dark I arrive in Smithers.

After a good talk with Lothar [Canadian but German parents] over a beer I pitch my tent in their beautiful garden.